2019 Colorado Open Scholars Summit: March 1

Have you ever considered the challenges in tenure and promotion in the context of open access?
The second biennial Colorado Open Scholars Summit will discuss challenges in tenure and promotion within the current scholarly landscape and the role—or potential role—of open access within the tenure and promotion process. A state-wide event co-sponsored by nine Colorado universities, the 2019 Colorado Open Scholars Summit will be held on March 1, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Norlin Library.
Panelists will be joining virtually, with the first focused on the evaluation of scholarly and creative output, with particular attention paid to disincentives, multidisciplinary scholarship, nontraditional scholarship, and the current scholarly landscape. Moderated by Cinthya Ippoliti, director of Auraria Library for the University of Colorado Denver, the panel includes Joshua J. Thoms from Utah State University, Caitlin Pike from Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, Carol Munoz Nieves from Simon Fraser University, and Dean of the Libraries Patrick J. Burns from Colorado State University.
Open Access and Equity in Tenure and Promotion is the topic of the second panel. Moderated by Melissa DeSantis from University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, the panel include professors Jessie Daniels from Hunter College and CUNY, Christina Hendricks from the University of British Columbia, and Simine Vazire from the University of California Davis and the board of the Public Library of Science.
The panels will be followed by attendee break-out sessions and opportunities for discussion. The event is free to attend. Light breakfast will be served starting at 9:30 a.m., and lunch is also included. Reserve your spot today at 2019 Colorado Open Summit Registration.