Learn about open access publishing through Opentober workshops

The University Libraries and the Center for Research Data & Digital Scholarship (CRDDS) are excited to announce a new educational workshop mini-series for students and researchers interested in learning more about Open Access (OA) publishing.
The mini-series Open Scholarship for Beginners is part of Opentober 2020, a month-long celebration of Open Access that provides remote opportunities for students and researchers to discuss the ways our community can make its scholarship more equitable and more open to the world.
Opentober is an extension of International Open Access Week, an annual event where open access advocates worldwide share with their communities the potential benefits of the publishing model and help inspire wider participation in normalizing open access in scholarship and research.
"The Libraries and CRRDS wanted to offer workshops throughout the month of October in order to provide more opportunities for people to engage with and learn about Open Access,” said Scholarly Communication Librarian Melissa Cantrell.
We look forward to engaging with you in important conversations about promoting equitable access to information worldwide through Open Access at CU Boulder! The full schedule and details are listed below: