Open Access

Positively impacting humanity. Broadening your reach.

Freely Accessible

Open Access (OA) research is literature that is freely accessible without a subscription and with few constraints on permission for reuse.

Reducing barriers

OA prioritizes equity by reducing the barriers to reading, discovering and sharing scholarly literature resulting in greater visibility and impact for your research.


Learn more at the Center for Research Data and Digital Scholarship (CRDDS)

Funding and publishing opportunities

Fully or partially covering article processing charges (APCs) through our existing agreements with publishers

Open Access Fund: funding for your article-processing or publishing fees for full open access journals

Open Monograph Fund: grants for peer-reviewed, open access monographs

Journal hosting by the University Libraries:

Open Educational Resources: supporting high-quality, no-cost resources for students through using or creating textbooks or other teaching & learning resources

Finding open options

Exploring journals in your discipline

Think, Check, Submit: Identify trusted publishers for your research

Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)

Ulrichsweb: Directory of scholarly periodicals; limit your search results to “Open Access”

Sharing my research

Curating your online presence

CU Experts, ORCID profiles and other campus support: Data & Impact

Make your work openly discoverable to researchers and journalists worldwide through CU Scholar, our institutional repository

Understanding impact indicators

Journal impact, article citations, 
traditional metrics (H-Index, i-10 Index, etc.), 
altmetrics and more: Measuring Impact

Preserving your rights

Author’s Rights: Your rights as a creator, negotiating for those rights, licensing options

Retaining your rights using the SPARC Author Addendum

Questions about copyright?

Recent Open Access news


Connect with the Center for Research Data and Digital Scholarship (CRDDS) to learn more about Open Access at CU.

Contact our Scholarly Communication Librarian about open access, meeting funder requirements, or other topics.