- After two years, a dedicated group of University Libraries faculty, staff, and students partnered with the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) to digitize approximately 9,000 glacial photos from the Roger G. Barry Archives with help from grant
- The spread of ideas in the scientific community, as modeled like an epidemic, wins the Center for Research Data and Digital Scholarship's 2018 Data Visualization Contest. The contest is an opportunity for students to show off their visualizations
- A teacher, a researcher and two students walk into a snowy forest. No, it's not the set up to a joke but rather a fascinating exploration of climate change and the inherent challenge of communicating research data. All are welcome to join the
- Imagine engineering students writing poetry. "It’s almost a paradox," says Danny Long, an instructor in the Program for Writing and Rhetoric at CU Boulder. Long's Radical Science Writing course challenges upper-division science
- In honor of Geography Awareness Week, the Jerry Crail Johnson Earth Sciences & Map Library invites you to a reception and panel on Thurs, Nov 15, at 3:30 p.m., More Than Geography. The discussion, which begins at 4 p.m., engages the libraries’
- CU Boulder University Libraries invites you to Mapping Home / Collecting Truths: Works by Indigenous and International Artists at the Jerry Crail Johnson Earth Sciences & Map Library, in Benson Earth Sciences. The exhibition is free and open to
- Jordan Wirfs-Brock, an Information Science graduate student, is the recipient of both first and third place in the inaugural Data Visualization Contest, sponsored by the University Libraries and the Center for Research Data and Digital Scholarship (