Inclusive Spaces and Practices

The University Libraries have enhanced and added inclusive, non-Library of Congress subject headings to 5,367 library catalog records on the topic of “immigration”, in an effort to foster diversity and inclusion in the libraries and on campus.
Library users can carry out keyword searches using more ethical subject headings, without being limited to using problematic subject headings such as “illegal aliens” in the library catalog. The subject headings added include:
1. Noncitizens
2. Undocumented immigrants
3. Immigrant detention centers
4. Children of undocumented immigrants
5. Undocumented immigrant children
6. Undocumented immigrants in literature
7. Women undocumented immigrants
The addition of the more inclusive subject headings may foster student academic success by creating inclusive atmospheres as one part of the Libraries’ Strategic Plan for 2016-2020.