Libraries Announce 2019 OER Faculty Participants

CU Boulder Libraries are pleased to announce the selected participants for the upcoming Open CU Boulder Course OER Adoption Initiative. The University Libraries' OER Leads will facilitate training and consultation with the twelve educators, who will each integrate open educational resources (OER) in a Spring 2020 undergraduate course and receive a $1,000 stipend upon successful completion of the initiative requirements.
The participants and their appointments are as follows:
Pat Clark, Instructor, Journalism
Lindsey Dougherty, Instructor, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Doug Dupler, Lecturer, Environmental Studies
Mark Hernandez, Professor, Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering
Brooke Huibregtse Ketels, Lecturer, Department of Psychology and Neuroscience
Michael Klymkowsky, Professor, Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology
Olivia K. Chadha Miller, Instructor, Honors Program
Juan Garcia Oyervides, Graduate Part-Time Instructor, Spanish and Portuguese
David Henry Paradis, Senior Instructor, History
Elizabeth C. Stapp, Senior Instructor, Leeds School of Business
Levente Szentkirályi, Instructor, Program for Writing and Rhetoric
Gregory D. Young, Senior Instructor, International Affairs Program
“We were very happy with the response to our call for participation,” said Senior Associate Dean of the Libraries Leslie Reynolds. “We look forward to seeing how these educators integrate open educational resources into their Spring 2020 courses and the impact on their teaching and the students’ learning experiences.”
Open CU Boulder aims to:
Encourage alternatives to high-cost course materials through OER adoption, adaption, or creation.
Encourage a teaching culture that explores new pedagogical models for learning.
Lower the cost of learning for students at CU Boulder.
Increase the number of students who have access to required course materials.
Increase the number of faculty advocating for OER.
This opportunity is sponsored by Open CU, a system-level project funded by a grant from the Colorado Department of Higher Education with additional support from CU Office of the President, CU Office of Academic Affairs, and the Office of the Provost. Open CU Boulder is coordinated by the University Libraries OER Leads Caroline Sinkinson, Merinda McLure, Melissa Cantrell, and Senior Associate Dean, Leslie Reynolds.