Imagining Open Access: Call for Projects

Participate in Opentober 2020, a month-long celebration of Open Access, and be eligible to win a prize!
The University Libraries are seeking artistic or creative projects that explore the impact of Open Access (OA) publishing for knowledge seekers and knowledge providers. Submissions are eligible for prizes and will be showcased in an online gallery during October.
The University Libraries are excited to present Opentober 2020—a month-long, educational celebration of Open Access (OA), “the free, immediate, online availability of scholarly literature coupled with the rights to use this literature fully in the digital environment.” (SPARC) Opentober coincides with the international Open Access Week celebration, October 19-25, 2020.
Why Open Access (OA)?
The costs of subscription access to scholarly research have skyrocketed, leaving many institutions of higher learning no choice but to reduce or cut access. Open Access offers an alternative.
OA is a publishing model that promotes equitable access to information across the world by reducing restrictions on use and encouraging innovation through greater visibility and more collaborative scholarship. Watch this video for background on why open access is important and learn more about Open Access at CU Boulder.
“More than ever, Open Access is crucially important to ensuring that everyone can engage equitably with the scholarship and information that matter to their communities,” Scholarly Communication Librarian Melissa Cantrell said.
Submit a Project! Win a prize!
All CU Boulder students, faculty, and staff are invited to submit a project that expresses an experience of, reflection on, or inspiration from Open Access Publishing.
Projects may take a variety of forms, such as memoir, poetry, 2D art, video/film, comic strip, data visualization, and more! Projects will be displayed asynchronously and digitally.
Projects fitting the submission guidelines will be displayed in an online gallery. All accepted projects will be entered to win a $75 prize, and student projects are additionally eligible for the grand prize of $100!