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Access the libraries' digital newspaper collections

Did you know the University Libraries subscribe to thousands of news outlets and more than 50 databases that keep tabs on regional, national and international current events?

CU Boulder affiliates with an IdentiKey have access to digital publications such as the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post and more. Students, faculty and staff can also access the Denver Post and the Boulder Daily Camera through our databases. The libraries also maintain a robust collection of historic news resources and multimedia and TV news archives – see our research guide on newspapers and news to browse what's available. 

By providing access to these resources, the libraries aim to eliminate barriers to essential information that contributes to an informed citizenry and a healthy democracy. Our online news collections are updated regularly to ensure users can verify news events across outlets. Ask a Librarian for help exploring our databases. Not seeing what you’re looking for? We encourage you to recommend a new title for our collection.

How to access specific newspapers

New York Times & NYT Cooking 

Wall Street Journal