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University Libraries commits funds to support publishing open access monographs

The University Libraries have committed to funding at least one, and possibly two, CU Boulder faculty publishing peer-reviewed, open access monographs through the multi-partner initiative Toward an Open Monograph Ecosystem (TOME). 

A project of the Association of American Universities (AAU), the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) and the Association of University Presses (AUP), TOME aims to bring scholars, universities, libraries and presses together to establish a more sustainable funding model for scholarly publication.

As of this month, 20 universities—including CU Boulder—have pledged to support TOME. Dean of Libraries and Senior Vice Provost of Online Education Robert McDonald says the University Libraries look forward to seeing CU Boulder faculty create open access monograph-length scholarship.

“Our goal in sponsoring TOME is to move beyond the old, print-based model of publishing and towards a new, more sustainable model that makes it possible for presses to publish deserving scholarly monographs regardless of sales potential,” said McDonald.

Melissa Cantrell, a scholarly communication librarian, is excited that the University Libraries can help CU Boulder faculty authors explore the scholarly monographs publishing model. 

“Open access publishing helps scholars increase the dissemination and accessibility of their work,” said Cantrell. “While the libraries have supported funding for open access articles for many years, the TOME initiative helps us to provide this option for CU Boulder authors publishing monograph-length scholarship.”

TOME currently works with over 65 participating university press publishers.

“Because of its focus on the monograph, TOME will effectively make more humanities and social science scholarship available to a broader audience, which research has shown amplifies the work's impact,” said Thea Lindquist, executive director of the Center for Data & Digital Scholarship.

The work must originate from or be co-authored by a CU Boulder faculty member to qualify for funding. Applicants must have a scholarly monograph in-press with a university press participating in TOME. Applications must be submitted by the press publishing the monograph. If selected, the libraries will contribute each grant directly to the publisher. 

Due to limited funding, the libraries encourage participating presses to apply as soon as an eligible monograph and author are identified. Learn more about TOME submission criteria and press requirements. 

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