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University Libraries reveal new ‘Wellbeing and Sexual Health’ collection

The University Libraries’ role during times of turmoil is to support an information-empowered world. The “Wellbeing and Sexual Health Collection” is part of that vision. 

This new pilot collection includes over 125 titles related to mental health, wellness and sexual health, including New York Times Bestsellers like Between Two Kingdoms by Suleika Jaouad.

These materials are intended to complement the services and resources of campus entities such as the Wardenberg Health Center, Counseling and Psychiatric Services (CAPS), the Faculty and Staff Assistance Program (FSAP) and the Raimy Clinic. 

“We’re excited to provide access to this pilot collection of titles,” Health and Human Sciences Librarian Merinda McLure said of the collection. “We hope readers will let us know how they use this collection and topics/titles they’d like to see included.”

The Libraries are proud to provide access to this pilot collection of books. Explore the ebook collection through the new OneSearch, find ebooks through Overdrive and find the physical collection in the Norlin Library Reference Area near the Popular Reading collection.

Learn more about the new “Wellbeing and Sexual Health” collection.