Join the Buffs One Read community

The third annual Buffs One Read is kicking off! The theme for 2023-24 is Community Compassion and Caring and this year’s selection is The Book of Joy: Lasting Happiness in a Changing World, by his holiness the Dalai Lama, archbishop Desmond Tutu and Douglas Carlton Abrams.
First-year and transfer students can pick up a free copy of the book at the CU Boulder Bookstore and the Museum of Natural History. CU community members with an IdentiKey may access print, audio and ebook copies through the Libraries. Faculty can find resources to teach the Buffs One Read course.
Buffs One Read is a campus reading program that builds community through the shared reading of one book. The Renée Crown Wellness Institute and the Contemplative Resources Center are partnering with us to sponsor a series of book clubs, guided practices and CU Boulder Days of Compassion in celebration of this years book selection.