- This handwritten land deed from the 16th century came through the Preservation unit to have a new custom box created. The 1547 deed for parcels of land in England was sealed with a seal as big as our Conservator’s hand. Want a closer look?
- The CU Boulder Archives are part of a larger department, which includes CU's Special Collections and Preservation units. We work very closely with our wonderful colleagues in the other units and, as part of our ode to Preservation Week, will be
- Throughout our series, 100 Stories for 100 Years from the CU Boulder Archives, you have seen a lot of photos from our collections, but not all of the photos in our collections are in such great condition. Due to chemical processes and variables
- The 2018 Earth Day theme focuses on the end of plastic pollution. The CU Boulder Archives does not hold much about plastic pollution, but we do focus on collecting the environmental concerns of fallout from atomic projects in our Atomic West
- The Lachlan McLean Photograph Collection contains this photograph of a pioneer woman with a burro in 19th century Clear Creek County. It was used by Time-Life Books, The Women; with text by Joan Swallow Reiter, (Alexandria, Va.: Time-Life Books,
- Born in Meeker, CO, Virginia Neal Blue earned a BS in Economics from the University of Colorado in 1931. Blue went on to become a Regent of the University of Colorado system (1953-1959) and Chairman of the Colorado Commission on the Status of Women
- As the Soviet Union began to crumble in the late 1980s, a group of Jews in Boulder organized to aid and resettle Soviet Jews who faced increasing discrimination from the Soviet state and refusal of their requests to emigrate (earning them the label
- The American Music Research Center is the oldest center for the study of music of the American Continents in the United States. Founded in 1966 by Sister Mary Dominic Ray, the Center was located at Dominican College, in San Rafael, California, until
- When the University of Colorado was established in 1876, very little of Boulder extended south of Boulder Creek and the campus was placed on a short grass prairie slope hundreds of yards south of town. In 1885 there was a photo taken of a carriage
- Spring is upon us! Find some flowers blooming in CU’s Archives, in the Seville Flowers Collection. Seville Flowers was a professor of botany at the University of Utah from 1936-1968 and his collection contains class lectures and notes, manuscripts,