- Are you ready to finish strong? The above image of students studying during finals week is from 1933 at Norlin Library. This image can be found in the A.A. and Laurence Paddock Photo/Negative Collection. While looking for the "
- Alpha Tau Omega, ATO, is a fraternity that was founded in Richmond, Virginia on September 11, 1865 by Otis Allan Glazebrook. Many famous people have belonged to this fraternity including some notables like Teamster's President, Jimmy Hoffa; NFL Head
- Happy Reading Day! Need help studying? Maybe try one of these “reading accelerators” like a metronoscope (in use in the above photo), controlled reader, or tachitoscope, which were used to increase reading retention rates.Officially, the reading
- Walter Orr Roberts (1915-1990) was a renowned astrophysicist whose pioneering work on the sun's corona produced data on the sun's temperature, brightness and atomic makeup, and demonstrated the link between solar flares and weather patterns on
- The Roger G. Barry Archive at National Snow & Ice Data Center (NSIDC) has over 50,000 photographs of glaciers. From glass plate negatives taken in 1890 to chromogenic prints taken in 2017. These documents allow for landscape and glacier
- In 1911, the women of the University of Colorado had decided the time was right for a major campus building of their own, one with parlors, bedrooms, a dining room and a gymnasium. To raise money, the CU Women’s League planned a spring festival
- Silent Film is more popular now than it has been since before the invention of talkies, and the Front Range is one of the hottest parts of the country for celebrating the tremendous art and music of these treasured parts of cinematic history. We
- Yesterday was the anniversary of the national Pi Beta Phi Fraternity for Women. Pi Beta Phi was founded on April 28, 1867, at Monmouth College in Monmouth, Illinois. The 12 founders had the vision to form the first secret society for women patterned
- Over the years since photography was invented in 1839, the generally accepted date of "practical photography, photographer have used any number of materials to fix an image from salt paper printing to modern day pixels. Many of these
- Printed in 1555, this book was brought to the Preservation unit for a new enclosure, but, while here, we discovered a beautiful handwritten page in the middle of the binding. Talk about penmanship goals! It’s even more impressive when you consider