Photography and Filming Policy

The University Libraries provide essential scholarly resources, user-centered services and inclusive and welcoming spaces for faculty, students, and the community to engage in research and scholarly endeavors. Photography and filming are not the primary mission of the University Libraries. Advance permission is required before any photography or filming in the University Libraries.

The Libraries complies with all relevant Campus and University policies and requirements, including the Campus filming policy: “The University of Colorado Boulder Motion Picture, Video, and Photography Guidelines,” administrated through the Office of Strategic Relations and Communications

I. Expectations and requirements for all photography and filming

Filming and or photography is restricted to:

  • Public areas within the Libraries.
  • Hours when the particular area is open to the public. All work must be completed and equipment removed from the building at least 30 minutes prior to the posted closing time.
  • Approved library business, which follows the rules outlined in this policy on prohibited and required actions.
  • Individuals or small groups taking pictures of themselves or a small group that which follows the rules outlined in this policy on prohibited and required actions.

The following are explicitly prohibited:

  • No blocking or impeding traffic flow anywhere in the Libraries.
  • No blocking any facilities, such as elevators, stairs, restrooms, etc.
  • No changes to library facilities or furnishings (for example, changes to light fixtures, location of furniture, moving of books or shelving).
  • No filming or photography of people without their permission.

Those filming or taking photographs are required to:

  • Request copyright permission before filming or taking pictures of any copyrighted material, including Libraries-produced posters, flyers, exhibits, displays, etc.
  • If applicable, know the policies and secure permission for parking. Parking permits can be obtained by contacting Parking and Transportation Services at 303-492-7384.
  • Leave Libraries premises exactly as encountered.

II. Requesting permission

A. Commercial/external film projects

Any commercial filming (including still photographers and video production companies photographing/taping for television news shows, cable shows, commercials, and documentaries) must be approved by the CU Boulder Office of Strategic Relations and Communications

*3rd Party Insurance Requirements:

A Certificate of Insurance naming The Regents of the University of Colorado, a Body Corporate, 1800 Grant St., Denver, CO 80203, as additional insured for the day(s) of filming, load-in and strike, must be presented to Norlin Library at least 10 working days prior to filming and/or load-in. The company shall carry sufficient insurance to cover any and all liabilities that may occur during its use of University property. Insurance coverage approved by the Office of Risk Management,

Coverage must be as follows:

  • $1,000,000. (one million dollars) for general liability, including property damage;
  • $1,000,000. (one million dollars) automobile liability, including hired and non-owned vehicles;
  • Statutory limits/worker’s compensation; $1,000,000. (one million dollars) employee liability.

Certificate Holder: The Regents of the University of Colorado, a Body Corporate 1800 Grant St., Ste 700 Denver, CO 80203

B. CU Boulder student film projects

  • CU Boulder students filming (including still photography and video production) in the Libraries for a class assignment must request permission from the Libraries ( at least three days before you wish to begin.
  • Please do not commence filming in the Libraries until you have been granted permission as noted above by Libraries staff.
  • Upon arrival at Norlin Library, check-in at the Libraries Security office, Norlin M298 (near west entrance), 303-492-5527. In branch libraries, you’re responsible for determining with whom you’re expected to check-in upon arrival.
  • The University Libraries encourages student use of its spaces for filming; however, its locations are not movie sets and filming may not interfere with normal Libraries business. Libraries personnel maintain the right to ask a filming individual/crew to pause, move or stop if they feel that the activity is an interference.
  • Refrain from filming people without their awareness or permission.
  • Appropriate working, research, learning and study conditions must be steadfastly and respectfully maintained for employees and users at all times. Film crews must abide by all University and Libraries policies and regulations and must leave Libraries premises exactly as found.
  • We may require the presence of Libraries security or other personnel during filming, and this may be at your own cost.
  • The Libraries may not be held liable for crew or participant safety or for any damage or loss of equipment, materials, supplies, etc. Any activities that may be potentially hazardous or pose a heightened safety risk require approval from University Risk Management.

Last updated: February 2025