Digital Imaging Services

The University Libraries Digital Imaging Lab creates high quality digital reproductions of a variety of static media including photographs, negatives, slides, books, and text.

Whether you’re affiliated with the University of Colorado, a business or non-profit community organization, or you need help with a personal project, we're glad to discuss how we may be able to help you.

Contact us


Price List 

  • Text
    • Unbound, sheet fed text: $0.25 per page
    • Bound text and non sheet-fed text: $0.50 per page
  • Photographs
    • Size under 11x17 inches: $1.00 each 
    • Size equal to or greater than 11x17 inches: $2.00 each
  • Negatives
    • Size under 4x5 inches: $1.00 each
    • Size equal to or greater than 4x5 inches : $2.00 each
  • Slides: $1.00 each
  • Add 20% of total price for increase of resolution to 1200 ppi (pixels per inch)
  • Add 50% of total price for turnaround of fewer than 5 business days

Prices include straightening and cropping. Average turnaround time for most jobs is 5-10 business days; turnaround time for large or complex orders may vary. Patrons may request image delivery format as TIFF, JPEG, or PDF. Text includes uncorrected OCR (Optimal Character Recognition) for text search capability. Images will not include a color bar/ruler unless requested. If you have a project that doesn’t seem to fit in these categories, please don’t hesitate to contact us with your inquiry!


Acceptable payment types include credit card, check, or speedtype (a university affiliated number) and an invoice will be sent upon project completion. Delivery of digital files is facilitated through CU’s Large File Transfer system or by flash/external drive provided by the customer.                 


*Customers will be required to sign a Copyright Acknowledgement Statement when submitting their duplication or reformatting request. It reads as follows:

I, the person making this duplication request, understand and agree to the following copyright restrictions: Under certain conditions specified by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S. code), libraries and archives are authorized to furnish a copy or reproduction. One of these conditions is that the reproduction is not to be “used for any purpose other than private study, scholarship or research.” If the user makes a request for, or later uses, a reproduction for purposes in excess of “fair use,” that user may be liable for copyright infringement.  Excluding content for which I am the legal copyright holder, I understand that reproduction of copyrighted content is acceptable for non-commercial use only.

The University Libraries reserves the right to refuse a reproduction request if, in its judgment, fulfillment of the request would violate Copyright. Copyrighted materials obtained from other lending libraries or rental companies are not acceptable for duplication. Duplication of copyrighted content is acceptable only for temporary, non-commercial use, in connection with or creation of curriculum materials, private study, classroom or course reserve use. Any further use, reproduction, or distribution of copyrighted items is strictly prohibited. The Libraries will notify you if your request can’t be fulfilled due to copyright restrictions.