Rare Books

Rare Books houses rare works and contemporary artworks that support teaching and research in the arts, humanities and sciences. These special collections include rare books, medieval manuscripts, contemporary artists’ books, and a signature photobook and photography collection. Special subject collections reflect the interests and research of the CU-Boulder community and the state.

Rare Books' collections are non-circulating; we are happy to consult with you about accessing materials via our Reading Room (information about visiting and using our collections). We have an active instruction program and welcome requests from Front Range educational communities.

Rare books collection strengths

Artist Books
Children's Literature
East Asian Materials
History of Science
Print Technologies

A growing collection of book arts and fine press printing from the middle of the twentieth century to the present.

A large collection of 19th- and early-20th-century books for children (particularly fairy tales, educational materials, and miniature books).

A growing collection of historical materials from China, Japan and Korea.

A robust collection of European and American works on the development of scientific disciplines. Includes first edition or early works of scientists such as Galileo, Newton, and Darwin, but also those who popularized science such as Jane Marcet. Highlights include:

  • The D.K. Bailey Collection holds rare early-modern and modern works focused on the sciences, geography, and travel. 

A collection of nearly 50,000 books and thousands of original photographs documenting the history of photographic processes, as well as 20th-century and modern fine art photography books. Highlights include:

  • The Alan Scuba Photobook Collection is a discreet collection of travel and ethnographic photobooks and includes many 20th-century photography exhibition catalogs. The collection is fully catalogued and accessible in the online catalog.
  • The David H. Tippit Collection contains first editions of the seminal photobooks of the twentieth century, as well as numerous contemporary photobook titles. The collection is fully catalogued and accessible in the online catalog.
  • The David H. Tippit Body Collection of serials and monographs traces the human body in the late 19th century and 20th century in genres that range from dance, exercise guides, body art, and early anatomy texts.  The collection is not yet cataloged.
  • The Ira Wolff Photographic History Collectiona major scholarly resource for the study of the history of photography and early photographic processes. Only a small portion of this collection is currently catalogued in the online catalog. A list of titles is available on request. 
  • The Ira Wolff Photo-Illustrated Children’s Book Collection was developed using From the mundane to the magical : photographically illustrated children's books, 1854-1945 and beyond by Mus White as a collection development guide. The collection is not yet cataloged but a list of titles is available on request.

A strong collection of books and teaching tools related to the history of print technology.

Highlights: Digital Special Collections

Fairy tale books from the 1690s to the early 1900s, a majority of which are heavily illustrated

Nearly 300 manuscript leaves from medieval Europe (c. 800-1500)

Unique mansucripts, books, and reports used for classes and research

Approximately ninety unique items from our WPRP Collection (c. 1790-1835).

Our curators

Hours, Locations and Contact Information

Rare & Distinctive Collections Reading Room 
Norlin Library M350B
184 UCB
1720 Pleasant Street
Boulder, CO 80309-0184

Information for researchers & visitors

Map Collection

The Map Collection is located in the Earth Sciences & Map Library.

Map Collection: hours and more information