Rare Books
Finding rare books and other special items
The majority of our rare books and other special materials can be found using the online library catalog. For more precision, use the link below to search only items in the Rare Books Collection. Contact us at rad@colorado.edu for additional assistance.
Rare Books houses rare works and contemporary artworks that support teaching and research in the arts, humanities and sciences. These special collections include rare books, medieval manuscripts, contemporary artists’ books, and a signature photobook and photography collection. Special subject collections reflect the interests and research of the CU-Boulder community and the state.
Rare Books' collections are non-circulating; we are happy to consult with you about accessing materials via our Reading Room (information about visiting and using our collections). We have an active instruction program and welcome requests from Front Range educational communities.
Rare books collection strengths
Highlights: Digital Special Collections
Fairy tale books from the 1690s to the early 1900s, a majority of which are heavily illustrated
Nearly 300 manuscript leaves from medieval Europe (c. 800-1500)
Unique mansucripts, books, and reports used for classes and research
Approximately ninety unique items from our WPRP Collection (c. 1790-1835).